
"Thank all my mentees for giving me the privilege of being part of their lives"


Prof Edmond Ko



Professor Edmond Ko Scholarships for Student Mentoring were set up in 2012/13 in memory of the late Professor Edmond Ko, an educator who devoted his energies and enthusiasm to the enhancement of student learning. The Scholarships aim to recognize and honor the success of student mentors who demonstrated high degree of commitment and dedication to student Mentoring activities, and to promote participation in student-to-student mentoring at the University.

In 2019/20, 15 outstanding student mentors from different programs and years have been awarded for their demonstrated high degree of commitment and dedication to student mentoring tasks and recognized success in providing support to learning development of other students through mentoring activities.


Congratulations to this year's awardees!

Let's see what the awardees would like to share with us (in alphabetical order)!





BIEK, Thomas Michael

BSc in Biotechnology and Business, Year 3


What does it mean to be mentor? Some may say that a mentor is similar to an advisor - someone who departs their wisdom and experience onto the mentee. However, I believe this definition is missing a simple, but key, attribute every mentor should have. A mentor should be a friend. They should bring their failures, their miscalculations, their mistakes and repackage them as learning experiences to help their mentees. “Be the change you want to see in the world” is a phrase that has always resonated with me. Reflecting on my past two years at HKUST, I have been incredibly blessed in the multitude of opportunities I have had to make a difference in the lives of younger students. All the students I have had the pleasure of mentoring have gone on to find great friends at HKUST and achieve incredible feats in their academics. I know this because, despite not seeing them every day, I always keep in contact and continue to answer any queries they might have and to remind them to relax and enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

CHAN, Yin Hei

BBA in Professional Accounting, Year 3


My experience in mentoring was very rewarding after seeing how the students that I provided guidance to blossom in their transition to HKUST. It allowed me to set up events that I felt current day young adults would be interested in, and it allowed me to connect with these students on a more personal level. Eventually this led to a stronger trust that prompt them to reach out to me for the matters they encountered. Whether it was performing well in their university courses or securing key internships for their future – I was able to share my insights and provide them with the necessary help. Ultimately, their success and happiness was a reassurance that my efforts were worth it.


Being awarded the Prof Edmond Ko Scholarship, I am glad to have my efforts acknowledged. Not only is it a representation of my efforts, it represents my continuing effort to become a stronger individual through personal achievements outside of my academics. I still maintain strong relationships as I believe I have the duty to continue on what I started. These relationships has developed more than a formal mentor to trainee relation and into real friendships.

HO, Siu Fan

BEng in Computer Science, Year 4


I am truly grateful and honored to be awarded the Scholarship. It is an affirmation and encouragement for my participation in student mentoring programs in the past two years. I first joined in the Peer Mentoring Program of the school of engineering in 2017, and I was a peer mentor for two years. I also worked as a student helper in the Engineering Commons, where serving the Peer Mentoring Program was also part of my job duty. As a final-year student, looking back to the past few years, mentoring programs have already been a significant part of my university life. It was a journey of contributing, learning, and building friendships.


I have gained a sense of achievement, providing help to the freshmen and guiding them to integrate into the new environment and settle into the new identity as a university student. I have learned that the duty of a peer mentor is not all about answering questions and offering information, but also about listening, empathy, and understanding. Every mentee is a unique individual and encounters different situations. Thus, we should try our best to be an empathetic listener, understand their circumstances, offer them a direction, such as analyzing different cases with them and cautioning them about possible obstacles, and provide support when necessary.

HUNG, Kwong Yuen

BEng in Mechanical Engineering, Year 4


After joining the peer mentoring program for 3 years, I found that I really enjoy doing mentoring with others. Mentoring to my definition is not only sharing your own experience with mentees but also making them relieved. I always think that it is my honor to meet my mentees in HKUST, it is a hub for students from international regions and different districts in Hong Kong. Therefore, I got many opportunities to talk with them and improve my language skills at the same time.


This program has been positively influenced me a lot, I will have a great sense of satisfaction once I managed to address mentees’ concerns and watching them had an improvement in their personal development such as being more proactive and extrovert. That is my motivation to keep being a peer mentor in these years.


In the future, I will still keep in touch with my previous mentees, to see whether they need support and consultation for their academic or career development. I am sure that each company should have a mentorship program in order to assist their future graduates, I will undoubtedly join it and become a mentor. Most importantly, to further my mentoring skills and experience for guiding future graduates.


LAI, Tiffany

BSc in Biological Science, Year 4


Being a mentor gives me a wonderful journey, it lets me understand more about myself, face different challenges and grow. Simultaneously, it gives me immeasurable gifts, I would hardly forget the happy smile that my mentee gave me. I treasure every moment of being a mentor and all the mentoring sessions I had with mentees. Therefore, the last but not least thing that I would do is always recommending others to be mentors if I think they get the interests and suitable personality of being a mentor, let them challenge themselves and give helps to others that are having the problem they had before.


Being a peer mentor lets me realize the importance of a mentor to a student. I will continue be a mentor to give helps to students who need mentoring even though it is the end of my duty. I will keep contact with the students that I have already built the relationship with during the period of being a peer mentor.

LAM, Tsz Yan

BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Year 4


“Expect the unexpected.” University is full of opportunities for you to explore, which is the reason I joined various programs. Mentoring can be mutually beneficial in many aspects, and the entire program was more rewarding than I expected.


Mentoring exists in many forms, and should not be limited to the program itself. I am eager to improve my public speaking skills for so long, and unexpectedly mentoring has given me the multiple chances of being a speaker. It all started by sharing my own experience as being a mentor and recruited mentees to join the Program. More and more opportunities come when you are prepared, a student-led Professional Development Seminar was initiated as well as an emcee in official orientation events organized by the School of Engineering were offered to me.


Even though I have stepped down from the program for years, I still maintained contact with my fellow mentees and continued to support newer batches of mentors. I always believe that, the more you are devoted, the more you will gain throughout the program. Who knows what would happen next?

LAM, Wing Laam

BEng in Civil Engineering, Year 4


To look back, I did not just go through the hall mentorship program but grow through it. My definition on mentorship has changed after 2 years on serving and there have been many unexpected takeaways. John Dewey once said, “We don’t learn from our experiences, we learn from reflecting our experiences.” By joining the mentorship program, I have a better realization on my strengths and weaknesses by reflecting on my serving performances, and more importantly, the friendship that has been built with my mentees.


I would say this mentorship program is not just the benefit of mentees, but myself as well. To recall my 2 years of serving, I am genuinely happy to see how I transform my relationship from mentors and mentees to friends and how we still keep in touch. From guiding my mentees to adapt university life and enjoy hall life, we eventually get closer as we spend time quite often. We enjoy studying together, cooking or going to the gym together. After all, I realized the guidelines that I have received might only be a good starting point to get yourself to get well prepared, what matters the most is the attitude.

LAMISA, Mashiat

BSc in Integrative Systems and Design, Year 2


Having the opportunity of thriving in situations with guidance from professors and peers at all times, I was both excited and overwhelmed when it was my time to take the responsibility to mentor others. This responsibility came to me in many forms- significantly through the SIGHT leader program where my duties were mentoring new recruits of the program with their projects. Throughout the program, there were so many eureka moments between my peers and I that made me realize the beauty of peer mentoring- where ideas grow from casual yet, informed conversations. I realized that mentorship is not just about equipping fellows with ideas but helping them be self-sustained to find their own ideas. And I think that realization brought me very close to people, and I was able to make trustworthy relationships and friendships I know that are going to last.


Throughout my two years in HKUST so far, every opportunity that I got to immerse myself in mentorship worked as the life and blood of my inspiration in doing better for the people around me, and it will stay with me for as far as I go in life.


BSc in Biotechnology, Year 3


I would define peer mentoring as a supportive dynamic, where a student can relate to younger students in a way professor cannot. One thing I believe is a necessity in growing up is having a mentor; a sounding board with unfiltered opinions, trusted advisors and a connector. I was fortunate enough to have had this experience and was thrilled to be able to return the favour. When I got to be a student peer mentor, I was excited to contribute and guide my mentees in every way possible. By being a mentor, I have learned an incredible amount about how different communities’ function, and how to be a better leader myself.


“It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path.” I was able to change the direction of my life at HKUST by giving in to my curiosity and I can say that it has turned out for the better. All it took was one moment of bravery to venture out of my comfort zone, and as they say, the rest is history.

PWINT, Phyu Win

BSc in Biotechnology and Business, Year 4


Mentoring is a process whereby the mentor must always be ready to give a hand to the mentees in achieving their goals. Throughout my years of mentoring, I have learnt that mentoring is not just one-way. In fact, it is a two-way relationship whereby both mentor and mentees can learn and benefit from each other. Over the past 3 years of serving as a peer counselor, a Redbird Coach, a Head of Student Ambassadors, a UG Hall IX Cluster Coordinator, a Leader of ITSC Student Helper Team, an Ex-President of Wing Chun Martial Arts Society, and an Ex-Captain of Wing Chun Martial Arts University Team, I have not only coached and mentored my peers, but also learnt different perspectives from them by listening to them attentively and non-judgmentally.


All thanks to Prof Edmond Ko Scholarships for Student Mentoring, Scholarships and Financial Aid Office (SFAO) of HKUST, and my amazing mentors, I could take up all the above-mentioned roles to serve and give back to the community as a mentor/coach without any financial burden.

SUEN, Chin Yan

MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Year 2


I believe mentoring is a dignified procedure whereby a more knowledgeable and experienced individual stimulates an accommodating position of control and promoting reflection and learning within a less experienced and conversant individual, to assist that individual’s profession and personal development. A mentor requires the need to be sensitively and mentally equipped to devote time and effort to constructively assist another individual.


With all the experiences as a mentor, to students from secondary schools to School of Science and university halls in the university, they have been very gratifying experiences. The learning route between myself as a mentor and my mentees’ has been a twofold learning process in the sense that I have been able to expand on my abilities and also on those of my mentees, through assistance, support and giving them the confidence to identify and enhance on their individual abilities and personal provenances. I believe that structuring and nourishing communal respect and a good relationship has verified to be fundamental in order to endorse open dialogue.

TAM, Ka Kiu

BBA in Global Business, Year 3


Mentorship does not only mean “the activity of giving a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time” (official meaning from the Cambridge Dictionary) to me. Indeed, it is a process of knowing new friends, and having a better self-understanding.


 Every year one student would be facing different struggles when they first enter university. Like others, I am not an exception. However, I am lucky enough to have met many “mentors” that share a similar value with me and have guided me through the struggle. These mentors do not necessarily be involved in an official mentorship program, sometimes they could be someone who is being more mature in certain fields, and willing to share with me about their experiences. By interacting with them, I would be able to broaden my horizons and gain a different perspective when looking into the same issue. I am glad to have them in my university journey, and therefore, this prompted me to be a good mentor when I have turned into a senior year.

TSANG, Ka Wing

MPhil in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Year 2


After working for a few years, I returned to my alma mater to continue my postgraduate study. As I understood the ups and downs a fresh graduate could encounter, I found it as a calling to co-found the very first student association for our postgraduate community and serve as a peer counselor at the wellness center. Mentoring others is not only about sharing our own experience, but also about being empathetic to those in need. I purposefully joined the mindfulness training program offered by another university’s psychology department so as to sharpen my knowledge and skills in counselling. These experiences made my day. And it felt satisfactory when doing meaningful work.


“Iron sharpens Iron.” I am grateful to meet lots of bright individuals at HKUST. My initial resolution to mentor others was cultivated during my participation as an organizing committee for the service learning trip during undergraduate. I leant the importance of “Learning by serving” from beloved friends. And I would like to express my gratitude to my academic supervisor, the one who encouraged me to create value for others and offered me enough room for engaging in services.

YAU, Tsz Ho

BSc in Economics and Finance, Year 3


Whenever you enter an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, you feel nervous and worry. I understand that feeling of uncomfortable, that is why I decided to be a Peer Mentor. My beginning aim was to help the freshmen in adapting the life in HKUST but the result is that it is the Peer Mentoring Program helping me.


Because of the program, I am now more confident to speak with a group of new faces.

Because of the program, I learnt to lead a group and organize events.

Because of the program, I made some new friends and we still have gatherings!


Peer Mentoring Program is a really good option for students to step out of their comfort zone. I am the kind of people who are not good at socializing, preferred to be silent rather than speaking in places with lots of people. Yet, this program provided a training session and equipped me with skills to initiate a conversation. Furthermore, it provided me an opportunity to chat with freshmen who are more nervous than I am. It encouraged me to chat with them and I found that it is not so hard to talk with new people.

YU, Qinying

BSc in Mathematics, Year 4


It is one of my hardest time when I entered UST as a freshman that I knew nothing and missed all orientation activities because I registered in last August which is so late to orientate. At that time, the only way for me to explore about UST was via my peer mentor, so I decided to work as a peer mentor in School of Science and tried my best to assist those freshmen who have similar experiences as me in my second year. During the first year I worked as a mentor, I experienced more.


I enjoyed helping them and peer mentor program gave me an unforgettable experience, so I decided to join it again in my third year. When I was interviewed again by the staffs in School of Science, they also said that I was more active at the second time. Working as a peer mentor is one of the most important things in my university life. It gave me a chance to know how much we could do and how happy when we are helping others. Also it gave me a chance to learn how positive I can be from those staffs, mentors and mentees. Peer mentor program is not only an assistance on university life but also a chance to improve my attitude on my future life.




The Scholarships aim to encourage peer-to-peer mentoring interactions. 

We look forward to having more and more dedicated student mentors joining hands in promoting student mentoring activities on-campus!